There are two ways to register for our course that includes both In-Class and Behind-the-Wheel driving instruction:  1) Online and 2) In-Person. For either option, please begin the registration process below. The form will link you to the registration option you prefer (online or PDF Registration to use for in-person).



Important Information

Online Registration

  • Begin Registration
  • Behind-the-Wheel
  • Register Online Now

Thank you for your interest in registering a student for B-SAFE driving instruction that will include 24 hours of In-Class instruction and 8 hours of In-Car Instruction. The total cost is $650 and you may pay that in full or pay $100 to reserve a spot for the student to begin class, with the full payment of $650 due by the end of the second week of class. Full payment and successful completion of in-class instruction is required before we will schedule In-Car Instruction. Upon completing and submitting the online registration contract, you will be automatically re-directed to payment options.

I understand I will be scheduling a student for full driving education instruction and I understand the payment information provided.

Please understand that In-Car instruction will not be scheduled until a student has completed his/her in-class instruction and paid all fees in full. All scheduling of In-Car Instruction is done by our B-SAFE staff scheduler and you will receive a notification email when your student is scheduled for Behind-the-Wheel instruction. Once you receive your email, you can view your student's schedule.and follow instructions in the email to request changes or to cancel. Also, students may be scheduled to drive back-to-back, so please allow for additional travel time from one student's home to another's at the end of the drive session. Typically this will be 20 minutes or less but could be longer depending on traffic. By continuing this form below you acknowledge that you have read and understand this information.

I understand the information provided about In-Car Instruction.

Upon form submission below, you will be linked to a LEGALLY BINDING REGISTRATION CONTRACT to register a student for B-SAFE Driving Education. Please read the contract carefully. You will have the option to complete the form online or to download a PDF Registration Contract if your prefer. At that page, you will also find information about payment options.

I understand the information provided above.